About Kirk McCullough & Green Timber Duck Hunting

My instinctive pursuit of waterfowl has been relentless and unmerciful...

I was born June 18, 1959 in Pine Bluff Arkansas and began duck hunting at the age 14. I guided from 1982-2005 on public & private ground.

  • Most mallard limits killed in one day: 66, 3 parties, 22 in each party and shot in private timber in one hole standing on 6 inches of ice, no open water.
  • My pick: #1 pick of all holes in the woods in Arkansas to hunt, Center-Hole in Bayou Meto.
  • What motivated me to become a guide: Enabled me to participate in mass kills, daily. Money was no motivator -- there was no money in it.
  • Daily goal for the hunt: Kill as many ducks as I could legally & shoot all of them at very close range.
  • The most exciting moment for me during the hunt: Pulling the trigger with 200 ducks in the decoys.
  • Favorite decoys: NONE! They all look the same to me.
  • Duck calls of choice: Modified Bakelite Olt D2 Keyhole.
  • Largest group of Mallards I called in hole in the woods: Approx 5,000 in Humnoke Arkansas, standing on 6 inches of ice, same day we killed 66 limits-Location-Leroy Isbell's 80 acre tract of timber, channel iron hole, Robin Jones was with me, Bayou Meto was dry entire season.
  • Most memorable Timber Hunting: Shirey Bay in the early 90'S, participated in killing approx 1,000 mallards in 12 days, smallest daily hunting party was 25, 4 duck limit, checked daily by AG&F Wardens, Arkansas was dry.
  • Worst season I remember: 2006-2007, spinner era.
  • Most experienced timber hunter & caller I hunted with: Lester Capps, he was the ultimate on an Olt.
  • The person I stayed the farthest from while hunting in the woods: Lester Capps.
  • The one person that is as good as Lester: No one.
  • The most commonly feared AG&F Warden back in the day: Jack Bird, he was dedicated.
  • The one person I have hunted the most with throughout my 33 years of hunting: Robin Jones, we have a lot of great memories of duck hunting. My Hole Runners were, Tim Williamson, Mike Wilmoth, Chris Bailey, Eddie Gates. My camera man was Garrett Lewandoski of Manitoba Canada.
  • The person I depended upon the most during duck season: Sammy Scales, he never let me down.
  • The worst day during duck season I remember: All of my boats, decoys, life jackets, batteries, lights were stolen & hidden in the woods to keep me from hunting the Tennessee Hole In Shirey Bay, I drove to Stuttgart, got gear from Sammy and started hunting the next day. The local Warden found my boats the next day. Three days later all my truck tires were cut at the handicap access @ Shirey Bay.

I will be 51 years old in June of 2010, I still think about duck hunting obsessively and I will duck hunt until the day I die. I won't ever change my style of hunting. If I could change one thing it would be the mind set of people whole believe you have to be doing something illegal to be successful consistently.